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Denver 2nd Note For Sale W/ Profit Share

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Have Takers - Taken Off Market

2nd Position Profit Share Opportunity With Me On A House I'm Buying (SEE BELOW)

Denver Note For Sale Great House

Cost To You: $10,000

2nd Position Loan Balance: ~$25,000

Total Amount of Note With Late Fees and Payments: ~$32,000

First Loan Balance: $211,000

Total Amount of First Loan With Fees Etc.: $239,000

Total Balance Of Loans (With Second Purchased At 5K): $244,000 (70% of LTV)

I'm Buying The House Subject To Those Loans - No Fix Up Cost

House Is Worth: $350,000+

How Do You Get Paid?  You Get Half of the 2nd Loan Balance plus your investment back when I sell the property in 6 Months

Contact Me For All The Information: Contact Kevin